Location determination through Wi-Fi® enables better patient care
The Beacon Blog
by Matt Pekarske
Read more 0 commentsby Jay White
In a short time, Wi-Fi has become a prolific and ubiquitous technology in hospitals. With the demand for wireless connectivity in medical settings on the rise and numerous benefits of wearable devices for patients and clinicians alike, Wi-Fi is well positioned to play a leading role in making the digital health vision a reality.by Chris Downey
The widespread adoption of Wi-Fi® in hospitals in recent years has transformed healthcare – for the greater good. As a result of Wi-Fi, entirely new waves of medical devices are being created to take advantage of the mobile connectivity that Wi-Fi provides in healthcare facilities – wireless EKGs, infusion pumps, and blood pressure cuffs to name a few.by Stephanie Lubrano
Although Wi-Fi® was initially focused on consumer markets, it quickly proved beneficial for industrial and enterprise settings. The finalization of the 802.11n standard in 2009 brought MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) and improved range. 802.11n also was the first standard to use both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands.by Natalie Sheerer
This post originally ran on the Laird Technologies blogby Natalie Sheerer
This post originally ran on the Laird Technologies blog