Wi-Fi Vantage

Elevated user experience in Wi-Fi® networks

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Vantage™ makes it easier than ever for users to select devices that give the best Wi-Fi experience in airports, stadiums, offices, campuses, retail locations, and service provider-managed residential networks. Wi-Fi Vantage™ devices offer features that provide secure, light-touch access to Wi-Fi networks, as well as mechanisms for efficient use of spectrum and network resources in densely populated, dynamic environments.

Wi-Fi Vantage is available for both Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 devices.

Wi-Fi Vantage for Wi-Fi 5Wi-Fi Vantage for Wi-Fi 6

including select optional features

state-of-the-art security

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®
fast, secure network discovery and authentication

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Agile Multiband
spectrum and network resource management

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Optimized Connectivity
improved mobility and smoother transitions

the newest generation of Wi-Fi connectivity

state-of-the-art security

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint®
fast, secure network discovery and authentication

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Agile Multiband
spectrum and network resource management

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Optimized Connectivity
improved mobility and smoother transitions

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Enhanced Open
data encryption in open Wi-Fi networks

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ac is the certification program for Wi-Fi 5 generation devices
* WPA3 is required for all device certifications as of July 1, 2020; devices certified prior may support only WPA2

Wi-Fi network administrators offering Wi-Fi Vantage deliver an optimal user experience with seamless and secure connections, increased throughput, and the ability to allow more devices to operate on the same network without sacrificing performance. Wi-Fi Vantage continues to evolve, incorporating the latest technologies to give users the most enhanced Wi-Fi experience available. Each new generation of Wi-Fi Vantage devices provides improved device performance and reduced network connection times when accessing managed Wi-Fi networks.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which Wi-Fi Vantage technologies help quickly connect to another AP or another network?

Wi-Fi Agile Multiband: Fast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition, also known as Fast Transition, is based on IEEE 802.11r. Fast Transition enables devices to reauthenticate quickly with WPA2 security when roaming within the same Wi-Fi network, improving experience with latency sensitive applications such as voice over Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity: Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) Authentication is a mechanism defined in IEEE 802.11ai to enable fast authentication to APs.

Why should end users purchase Wi-Fi Vantage devices?

Devices that are certified for Wi-Fi Vantage represent the most recent and interoperable Wi-Fi technologies for managed networks. Users will experience fewer connection interruptions during calls or video streaming, even while traversing through a transportation hub like a large airport. These devices, when used in a Wi-Fi Vantage enabled network, bring a more seamless and consistent connection and therefore a better mobile experience.

What is a managed network?

Managed networks are Wi-Fi networks, such as those operated in airports, stadiums, schools, office buildings, retail and hotel locations and other venues, that are “managed” by network administrators to optimize their coverage, performance, and network access. These networks are frequently open to the public or offer access to subscribers.

What features are planned for Wi-Fi Vantage devices in future generations?

Future generations of Wi-Fi Vantage will add enhancements in network access, frequency band and channel management, and reduced connection times, resulting in improved roaming and management of Wi-Fi networks.

Wi-Fi Alliance Member Publications